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Welcome to PIT’s COVID-19 Resources Page
Please visit https://www.pit.edu/coronavirus/ for the most up-to-date information regarding the College’s COVID-19 Response!
P.I.T recognizes that some students may not have access to consistent, reliable internet in their homes. It is our goal as your college to ensure that you can continue your education during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are having connectivity concerns, please click on the Technical Resources Link below.
If you need financial or food assistance, or just want someone to talk to about how COVID-19, or any other concern has impacted your life, please click on the Other Supports Link below.
For up-to-date information regarding PIT’s response to COVID-19, please visit: https://www.pit.edu/coronavirus/
If you need any additional assistance, please reach out!
Thank you,
Kamira Evans, MPA
Director, Student Affairs
Director, TRIO- Student Support Services Program
Vaccine Information:
Dear P.I.T. Students:
U.S. supply of COVID-19 vaccine is currently limited. The C.D.C. is providing recommendations to federal, state, and local governments about vaccination priorities.
While C.D.C. makes recommendations for who should be offered the COVID-19 vaccine first, each state has its own plan for deciding who will be vaccinated first and how they can receive vaccines.
At P.I.T., we are doing our best to determine how the state and local Boards of Health plan to vaccinate individuals based on the priorities listed below.
Free COVID-19 Testing Information
If you are looking for free COVID-19 testing, please check the below link!
Technical Resources
August 25, 2020– The City of Philadelphia Launches “PHLConnectED” to connect K-12 students to the internet for the upcoming school year. If you need resources for your school-aged children, please click here to learn more about support that may be available to you!
Comcast is offering 60 days of free service to new Internet Essentials customers and free remote installation. It’s also increasing service speeds for new and existing customers. Apply for service.
Additionally, as of March 25, 2020 until further notice, all Xfinity WiFi Public Hotspots are now open to everyone on the “xfinitywifi” SSID. Public hotspots can be found in small/medium businesses and outdoors in commercial areas. Non-Xfinity subscribers need to accept Terms and Conditions to access the network and repeat when requested to continue to receive free unlimited access.
You may be able to access a Public Hotspot from inside your home.
Verizon announced two months of waived Internet and voice service charges for current Lifeline customers. The company also has new, affordable Internet options for low-income households.
PCs for people
PCs for People offers low-cost Wi-Fi hotspots and computers to qualifying households. They now accept Pell Grant documentation for eligibility for higher education students impacted by COVID related school closures.
Food Banks:
Philadelphia and Delaware County Residents:

Philabundance: https://www.philabundance.org/find-food/
CityTeam: https://cityteam.org/
You can also reach out to a place of worship near you.
Financial Assistance
The Collective Success Network (www.collectivesuccess.org) has compiled a list of resources for College Students who are now learning from home! The list of resources is attached.
CSN also has financial assistance opportunities! If you are in urgent need of funds to buy food and other essential supplies, please request help from CSN by visiting https://bit.ly/CSN-FinHelp
This assistance is open to ALL Philadelphia area College Students. You do need to self-apply for any assistance. Funds are very limited.
For other supports from CSN, click here Student Guide from Alice
*NEW INFORMATION* If you are a Delaware County Resident who need rental assistance due to COVID-19:

If you are a Philadelphia resident in need of some additional support, Philadelphia’s Emergency cash assistance program for Philadelphia residents begins taking applications today.
For more information and to apply, please visit: https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/DHS_details.aspx?newsid=529
Residents can apply online at https://www.compass.state.pa.us/compass.web/Public/CMPHome or call BenePhilly at 1 (833) 373-5868.
Counseling and Mental Health

Nearly 1 in 5 American adults will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year.
46 percent of Americans will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental health condition sometime in their life, and half of those people will develop conditions by the age of 14. There is no shame in needing help! Student Affairs is here to help you find resources that may be helpful to you, especially during these challenging times.
If you have an emergency or need immediate assistance, please call 911 or Mobile Crisis Mental Health Support at 855-889-7827 or Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- Student Affairs will be sponsoring Mindfulness Moments throughout the term via Zoom. Please keep an eye out for more information!
- May is Mental Health Awareness Month. For more information and resources, please visit: https://www.mhanational.org/mental-health-month
There are telemed apps available for students during this time. This list will be updated as we receive more information about resources. Any questions you have about the apps should be directed to them.
META Teletherapy:
META provides online therapy via mobile phone, tablet and desktop platforms. Using the free iPhone and Android app, students can sign up, search for and connect instantly with therapists for chat, video or phone therapy sessions — confidentially, anywhere. META allows you to use insurance. Through the META app, you can pay through your insurance co-pay, or the session amount in full using a credit or debit card. Learn more at: https://www.meta.app/students/
MG Therapeutic Services LLC
If you are looking for a local office that has telehealth services available, MG Therapeutic Services is located in Media PA not far from campus. If you are interested, please call Melissa Colon at 484-445-4147 to begin preliminary paperwork.

COVID Information for Parents

Information for Parents with children in Chester Upland School District
Students who will be in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade in September will be using iPads for Remote Learning and will need to come and pick up an iPad.
If your child was in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten last year and he or she received a Chromebook for remote learning, you will need to bring the Chromebook with you and return it when you pick up your child’s iPad.
If your child was in first grade last year and received a Chromebook for remote learning, he or she should keep the Chromebook for remote learning this year.
Students in second through twelfth grades will be using Chromebooks or Laptops. If your child did not receive a Chromebook for Remote Learning last spring, you should come on one of the two days listed below and pick up a Chromebook or Laptop.
Distribution Days and Times: IPads (PK-First Grade) and Chromebooks/Laptops (Second – Twelfth Grades) will be distributed for students who did not receive a Chromebook for Remote. Learning last spring from 9:30 AM to 2:45 PM on two days listed below:
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at Chester High School Parking Lot across the street from the back of Chester High School (where the loading dock is located) OR Thursday, August 27th at Toby Farms Parking Lot
Before you come, review the Technology Handbook by going to the link below:
Click Here for the Chester Upland School District Student Technology Handbook 20.21
Parents can pick up laptops, Chromebooks or iPads on either day from either site
Parents/person picking up the Chromebook/laptop/iPad will need to present a photo ID
Student ID numbers for children for whom you are picking up a device would be helpful
Once you are at the parking lot CUSD staff will direct you
The iPad, Chromebook/Laptop Distribution is only for students who do not currently have and Chromebook/laptop or iPad (students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten or First Grades this year). If your child has a Chromebook that is in need of repair click the link below to report the broken Chromebook/Laptop and someone from the Technology Department will contact you to schedule a time for the repair.
Link for Form to Schedule a Time for Chromebook/Laptop/iPad Repair
Pennsylvania Residents- COVID Information
The 2020-21 school year is underway and for many Pennsylvanians, this year may look different. Here’s a list of resources that may be helpful for parents:
- Child care: findchildcare.pa.gov
- Medicaid & CHIP: compass.state.pa.us
- Immunizations: Call 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258)
- Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC): pawic.com
- PA 211 (United Way – general info and assistance): pa211.org
- PA Mental Health Guide: pa.gov/guides/mental-health
- National School Lunch Program: https://on.pa.gov/32Fyiiy
- Food Resources: on.pa.gov/3ct4k4K