Incomplete Grade Policy

Incomplete (“I”) is a temporary grade.  

Students are required to petition for this grade by completing the Verification of Incomplete Grade Form by the last day of the regular class session (before final exams begin).

Common reasons why someone would receive an incomplete include, but are not limited to, illness near the end of the semester, a death in the family, transportation issues, or jury duty.

This form must be approved by the instructor and the Dean or an Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs. The instructor and Assistant Dean decide upon the validity of the request, and they have final say in approving the incomplete. The approval process includes looking at the work completed by the student, their attendance over the course of the semester, and the likelihood of being able to complete the work successfully.

It is the sole responsibility of the student to complete the required work no later than 60 calendar days from the last class session or by an earlier date assigned by the instructor.

Petition for Incomplete Grade Verification Form

For more information, please contact: Rachelle Chaykin  Voice : 610-892-1528